Hydraulic pointed rail straightener

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Condição: Novo
Publicado em: 11/02/2025

Fazer pedido 00861592...

Fornecedor / Vendedor

Wuhan Liankeliji Rail Equipment Co., Ltd

wuhan / AM


When operating the YJT-500 hydraulic pointed rail straightener, place the machine horizontally on the pointed rail or ordinary steel rail, align the top block of the hydraulic cylinder piston rod with the center of the rail waist at the deformed position of the pointed rail or ordinary steel rail, and hook the rail arm tightly to the center of the other side rail waist. Moving the hand pump rod, the piston rod extends, and the top block presses against the rail waist. At the same time, the hook rail pads on both sides also hook against the rail waist, and the hand pump rod is moved back and forth to supply oil to the hydraulic cylinder. The system pressure increases, and the thrust of the piston rod and top block increases. Under the support of the hook rail arms on both sides, the pointed rail or ordinary steel rail deforms until plastic deformation occurs, and the pointed rail or ordinary steel rail is straightened or bent.

Tags (palavras-chave)

rail straightener  •  


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