por: Theodor Rucker van Caspel, Felipe Gustavo Ebersbach, Rolf Schroeter
Ano: 2019
Instituições de ensino: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Idioma: Portugues
Industries from every sector constantly seek for their productive processes, aiming to increase their factories efficiency. On machining processes, the acquisition of knowledge about processes can take a great number of tests that consumes a lot of resources as well as a lot of time. One alternative to reduce the number of tests is simulation. In recent years, modeling and simulation have developed in many areas but the more precise models usually require a high level of knowledge and testing that make their application complicated in Brazilian industries. The objective of this work is to present models to the strains in drilling processes with helicoidal drills and demonstrate a methodology to obtain the constants of these models. The models used and the methodology were chosen for being simple and require a relatively small number of tests. The errors obtained with the developed models were in average smaller than 3%.
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