por: Vanessa Seriacopi, Newton Fukumasu, Izabel Machado
Ano: 2019
Instituições de ensino: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo
Idioma: Ingles
Abrasive mechanisms are present in many manufacturing processes, such as grinding, lapping, belt finishing and honing. These complex systems can be studied from a tribological point of view, in which the material removed, and coefficient of friction behaviors can help to evaluate the material requirements. Some simplified hypotheses can be adopted during this study to define the best conditions in service. In this sense, the aim of this work is to analyze the abrasion influence onto a heterogeneous austenitic stainless steel using micro-scratch tests. This work contributes to provide the microstructure importance in terms of material design, especially applied to abrasive manufacturing processes. The proposal is to conduct a numerical-experimental approach, focusing on verifying the hard second phase particle effects. The normal load was constant during the tests, within a range from 40 to 100 mN. The abrasive particle was simplified, based on a cono-spherical geometry with 10 µm tip diameter and 60° apex angle. Finite Element Analyses were carried out using the TriboCODE coupled to Abaqus®/Explicit module. As conclusions, the hard second phase particles led to a reduction of the depth of penetration, wear track width and material removal, when compared to the soft austenitic matrix of the material.
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