por: Francisco Ratusznei, Jurandir Sousa, Ricardo Delgado de Souza, João Victor Osório

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Ano: 2019

Instituições de ensino: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Idioma: Ingles


Laser cladding technique is being applied on a variety of fields such as petrochemical and gas industry, recovery and protection of turbine blades for the aero and energy companies. However, the technique still faces some challenges, specially related with the geometric quality deposition. Therefore, the aim of this paper is a data review of coating technique, which can help to improve laser cladding technique. As the coating tracks are relatively simple in comparison to additive manufacturing in general, there is no much articles concerned with this topic devoted to laser cladding. The data review will focus on the nearest process related to laser cladding coating issues. First, the improvement of general purpose CAM system applied to a multi-axis laser cladding and the inconvenient caused by the interactions of the trajectories. Then, a different order to deposit the beads is proposed, as well as possible benefits are presented. Finally, the capabilities of new geometrical model are shown to be very useful to understand and predict the clad beads and deposition shapes.

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