LJ-JXY Point Rail Lowering Value Measuring Instrument

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Condição: Novo
Publicado em: 06/11/2024

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Fornecedor / Vendedor

Wuhan linkage track equipment co.,ltd

Wuhan City / AC


The point rail reduction value measuring instrument is used to measure the reduction value of the point rail relative to the basic rail and the reduction value of the heart rail relative to the wing rail. It uses a high - precision displacement sensor for contact measurement. The measuring head can move laterally along the guide rail to meet the measurement requirements of different lateral positions. The high - precision acquisition module can improve the operating efficiency and ensure the quality and technical indicators of turnout construction and maintenance. The product is divided into two parts: the host and the bracket. A single host measures the data between the wing rail and the heart rail through a displacement sensor. After the bracket is connected to the host, the product is placed on the basic rail surface. The displacement sensor on the host can also measure the data between the basic rail and the point rail. The data measured by both are processed and stored by the program. The measurement results can be viewed directly on the host, and the data can also be organized into an Excel table for viewing on a computer.

Tags (palavras-chave)

point rail  •  


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