Digital Switch Rail Height Gauge


Condição: Novo
Publicado em: 19/06/2024

Fazer pedido

Fornecedor / Vendedor

Wuhan linkage track equipment co.,ltd

Wuhan / AC


Switch Rail Height Gauge is mainly used to measure the descent height value of the switch rail relative to the basic rail and point rail relative to the wing rail . This instrument has the features of high measuring precision, convenient calibration, simple structure, light weight and easy to carry. Reasonable switch rail height can not only ensure train running safely and smoothly, but also reduce the interaction between wheel and rail effectively,reduce the dynamic stress of track structure, keep the track in good geometric state, thus reduce the maintenance workload.
1. Smart and Portable:The size of the horizontal rod is about 300mm, and the vertical rod is about 250mm. The ruler body is smart and portable.
2. LCD Digital display, easy to read.
3. High Accuracy:The measurement accuracy can reaches 0.01mm.The measurement results can be display instantly
4. Multifuncional, Wide range of application.It can measure five items to meet different requirements:
1) The descent height value of the switch rail
2) The descent height value of the point rail
3) The height of check rail
4) The height of switch roller
5. This device is equipped with a simple calibrator ,could be used for quick calibration before each use
6. The measure head could be moved from side to side,suitable for all kinds distance tracks. Measure head could move range is 60mm,could be used for measuring different distance switch rail and point rail.
7. Replaceable measuring probe, suitable for different usage
When measuring the height of the switch rail and point rail relative running rail, using the flat measuring probe;
When measuring the rail surface dent, using the sharp measuring probe.
8. Metric /Imperial unit

Tags (palavras-chave)

easy to use  •   a variety of models are available  •   small  •  


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