Place of Origin Hubei, China
Purpose for retrofit/upgrade
Condition New
Type Rail machine
Material Stainless Steel
Dimensions (L x W x H) (mm) 670*600*510mm
Brand Name Linkage
Type: Rail Cutting Machine
Application track maintenance work
Internal combustion engine: HONDA GX200
Engine Power: 4.8kW
Thin grinding wheel (spindle): Spindle speed 3030r / min
Engine Speed: 3600r / min
Specification (linear velocity): 400 * 32 * 4 (≥70m /s)
Cutting time: 60kg / m rail, ≤120S
Number of usage: 50kg /m rail, use ≥ 4 times
Number of usage 2: 60kg /m rail, use ≥ 3 times
Tags (palavras-chave)
cutting machine •
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