NDG-1 Internal combustion tamping machine is a portable special tool suitable for tamping stone on railway track bed. It is driven by a gasoline engine and produces high-frequency disturbance force by centrifugal clutch, eccentric shaft, rubber shock absorber and dragging pick body, so that the stone under pillow is rearranged and compacted, so as to achieve the purpose of tamping the ballast bed stone.
Internal combustion tamping pick is a portable special tool suitable for tamping stone on railway track bed. It is driven by a gasoline engine and produces high-frequency disturbance force by centrifugal clutch, eccentric shaft, rubber shock absorber and dragging pick body, so that the stone under pillow is rearranged and compacted, so as to achieve the purpose of tamping the ballast bed stone.
Tags (palavras-chave)
1.reliable performance 2.low failure rate 3.simple operation 4.convenient maintenance 5.long service life •
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