Wuhan Linkage Track Equipment Co., Ltd

, 襄阳 , | CEP: 43000


Wuhan Linkage Track Equipment Co., Ltd is a high-tech enterprise, specializing in railway inspection equipment,which integrates R&D, production and sales.We are committed to becoming a world-renowned railway equipment supplier.We adhere to the enterprise vision customer first, outstanding brand, excellent team,innovation and development,listen to the requirements of global customer, design the competitive products.
We always believe that, only with the high quality products and service, we can keep going further.No matter what you need for railway equipment, Linkage will provide the best solution.


Ramo de atividade: Exportação

Porte: 50 a 99 funcionários

Principal Setor de Atuação:
Máquinas e Equipamentos

  • Máquinas e equipamentos industriais → para automação industrial
  • Ferramentas, acessórios para máquinas-ferramenta e ferramentas manuais → para medição


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