Xiangyang Linkrail Technology Limited

xiangyang city.hubei province
qingling street, xiangyang , SE | CEP: 44100-0


Xiangyang Linkrail Technology Limitedestablished in 2013,We are the leading manufacturer of the geometry measurement systems for railway which are being used all over the world and also we are the only approved organisation to be accredited by all the user Railways across the world for the supply of these coupler.The Couplers are manufactured keeping in view the stringent quality requirement and with utmost care 



Ramo de atividade: Indústria

Porte: 20 a 49 funcionários

Principal Setor de Atuação:
Transformação Mecânica

  • Ferramentas, acessórios para máquinas-ferramenta e ferramentas manuais → para medição


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